Code of Ethics

Members of the National K-9 Dog Trainers Association should maintain high professional standards and ethical business practices. All members of the NK9DTA have successfully completed a course at the National K-9 School for Dog Trainers and in doing so they have received professional certification that allows them to use the title Certified Professional Trainer and to become a member of the NK9DTA. Members should:

  • Comply fully with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining with the welfare of animals.

  • Promote and engage in the humane treatment and training of dogs.

  • Promote and engage in the responsible handling, training, breeding, selling, grooming and boarding of dogs.

  • Be able to accurately assess their own knowledge, experience, and qualifications and work within their professional limits.

  • Never knowingly falsify or misrepresent their knowledge, past experiences, or professional qualifications.

  • Continue their own professional development and education through independent study of dogs, attendance of conferences/workshops/seminars; review of relevant material; and pursuing any other applicable educational opportunities.

  • Respect the privacy of clients and hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of professional services, unless otherwise agreed upon.

  • Promote and engage in the sharing of ideas that enhance the quality of the relationship between dogs and people.

  • Be respectful of other members, colleagues, and other professionals and not falsely condemn the character of their professional acts.

Failure to uphold the NK9DTA code of ethics may result in immediate expulsion from the association and forfeiture of right and privileges of membership.

Reports of misconduct should be made to:

Chris Altier, President
National K- 9®, Inc.
221 Morrison Road
Columbus, Ohio 43213

Phone: (614) 864-8808
Fax: (614) 864-8809

The NK9DTA and The National K-9 School for Dog Trainers encourage the free exchange of ideas and opinions. However, the opinions, positions, and practices of NK9DTA members do not necessarily represent the opinions, positions, or practices of the NK9DTA as a whole, other NK9DTA members, or National K-9®, Inc. or its School for Dog Trainers.

Mission Statement

The National K-9 Dog Trainers Association (NK9DTA) is a professional organization formed to promote and maintain the highest ethical and business standards in the care and training of dogs and their owners. The NK9DTA’s mission is to provide support, continuing education opportunities, communication amongst members, and representation for all members in good standing.

All members of the NK9DTA have successfully completed a course at the National K-9 School for Dog Trainers and in doing so they have received professional certification that allows them to use the title Certified Professional Trainer and to become a member of the NK9DTA.

The NK9DTA is an organization established with the following purposes:

  • Encouragement of responsible dog ownership - including educating and supporting the need for responsible canine health care, canine training, humane treatment, and ethical breeding.

  • Promoting awareness of the NK9DTA to support members’ businesses as belonging to a recognized professional association.

  • Establishment and encouragement of communication between members for the benefit and cooperation of all members.

  • Support of members in their business ventures through business services, representation, continuing education opportunities, advice, and contacts.

  • Active members that will support, assist, and participate in fulfilling the goals of the NK9DTA.

The Association will maintain offices at 221 Morrison Road, Columbus, Ohio 43213. The NK9DTA is an entity separate and distinct from the National K- 9® Learning Center and School for Dog Trainers. The opinions, positions, and practices of individual NK9DTA members do not necessarily represent the opinions, positions, or practices of the NK9DTA as a whole, other NK9DTA members, or National K-9®, Inc. or its School for Dog Trainers.

NK9 School for Dog Trainers